In continental Europe people were offered only dark beers until the mid-1800. All that changed when brewer buddies Anton Dreher and GabrielSedlmayr left Vienna on a spying trip to the British Isles. The pals returnedwith the knowledge to roast malt without scorching it; a skill they hadappropriated from the Brits. When the lager-yeast was “discovered” at thesame time – a radically different light lager beer was born around 1845.
Stallhagen Vienna Lager is a copper-colored, filtered, smooth and maltylager-beer for the autumn. The light-colored head is tall and lasting. In thearoma toasted bread and herbal notes from the noble hops. Taste is malty,smooth and toasty with balanced hop bitterness. Medium-bodied with elegantdry finish.
Vienna Lager is easy-to- drink classical German-style lager for the coolingautumnal days.
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